
Why American soccer is horrible

Source: CNN.com

American soccer is horrible. It can easily be classified as the most emotionless, boring and unimpressive soccer played in the world and for a good reason.

For most of the world soccer has become a daily occurrence in their lives. From advertisements to lunch break talks,  soccer is a fact of life for hundreds of millions of people around the world. It is far beyond just a simple obsession but a way of life. You can at any time point randomly at the map and there is a 97% chance that the biggest sport in that country is soccer. Unless you happen to point at the United States of America. A nation with over 300 million people, mind you many of them immigrants, and take a guess how soccer fares there. Soccer is most certainly not the most popular sport in the United States. It isn't even in the top five sports. Now my issue is not with the U.S. not watching soccer, in all honesty that is a cultural thing and no one should judge that. My real issue lies that a good majority of Americans consider soccer to be "gay, queer and unimportant".

Yes, my issue lies with the big mouthed opinion that many Americans have towards soccer. Americans have that odd belief that the whole sports world rotates around them. My favorite example is that the World Series is called the "World" Series. I don't see anything international about it. This mentality is the direct cause of why soccer sucks in the United States. Many Americans refuse to accept soccer to be the biggest sport in the world. I've had people tell me "Well you're in America, soccer is not important here!" These people are ruining American soccer by taking away any potential interest in the sport.

Here is the truth about soccer, there is 45% the game and then there is 55% the passion revolving around the game. You can have the best team in the world but you're game will still suck if the crowd is slow and the announcers don't have passion. The United States is an excellent example in the case. The U.S. national team is not bad beyond any measure, they are an above average team, that has potential to become one of the all time greats. But it just won't if the U.S. crowds stay this boring and the general acceptance of the sport stays this low. Every single soccer game In the U.S. that I have watched or been to has been emotionless when compared to games I watched in Germany. The crowds were just not involved in the game and the TV announcers don't have any enthusiasm for the game. Believe it or not it takes away from the game, I would much rather watch a 2nd Bundesliga game then any MLS game for that same reason.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt, it is an opinion after all but something to think about. What is the reason that absolutely nowhere in the world the MLS is watched as religiously as the Premiere League or La Liga. I don't think it's the lack of skill, but something more, it's that little thing that brings everyone no matter what team together, it's the passion for the game. I don't think it's missing, but yet to be found.

Note: This is an editorial and the opinion of the writer.


Jordan Kahn said...

You couldn't have said it any better. A+ on Nikan's persuasive essay.

Garrett said...

american soccer is worse than the wnba. and that is saying something

Anonymous said...

Agree on most of it, but how can u say that all americans dont like soccer when i have gone to 3 usa games in the past year and they have all been sold out and its so loud my mom cant hear me sitting right next to me

Eric Binder said...

nice nikan

Nikan Ansari said...

I agree it's been getting better and that's good but I'm comparing it to what I've seen in Germany and France, the majority of people in the U.S. stadiums probably don't care that much about it. It's more of a family thing, they're not going for the soccer. Those who do are a small percentage.

BBrook said...

actually its not true at all if you go to MLS games some of the teams fans are very dedicated. Yes its MLS but it shows that soccer is relevant. for example, the portland and seattle team have a very dedicated fan base. Also i think a reason soccer is not as important to people is because the majority of the americans have no reason to watch USA soccer because they havent done anything amazing recently. But now since the US beat Spain in the Confederation cup and beat Algeria in the crazy game at the world cup, soccer is becoming alittle more popular. I for one enjoy watching soccer in general, it doesnt matter if its EPL, MLS, or LA liga. There's great players, great fans, and yes sometimes boring but who doesnt like to see a crazy goal being scored.

Nikan Ansari said...

My opinion is that the games I've been to in Germany and France had a much better atmosphere then the MLS games I've been too. I'm not denying their abilities. It's just not popular enough yet. The fanbases for MLS teams are very small compared to the teams in Europe and South America. The keyword is some, it's usally a lower number.

BBrook said...

Ofcourse, germany and france are gonna have a huge fanbase. Look at germany they have bayern munich, a team that is a high class team. Plus they have hosted the world cup in 06 and i believe are hosting the confederation cup in '13. And france, they provide world class players.

Anonymous said...

what do u mean source CNN??

Nikan Ansari said...

Erm that's where I got the picture from.

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