
Tennis-Baseball All Star Team

I know we all think that the 4 major sports are baseball, basketball, hockey, and football. But the new up and coming sport is by far Tennis Baseball. It is a combination of two interesting sports tennis and baseball. Now here is our all star team for this amazing sport.

Catcher: Shaquille O'Neil (former basketball player)
This player is beast at the catcher position. He is strong and has the perfect tennis baseball mentality. I think he would be a very strong 3 hitter for this team.

1B Rory Mcilroy (golf player)
This player has a great swing and has really good hands. He would be good on the field because of his hands. And a good leadoff hitter because of his fast swing.

2B Dwight Freeny (football player)
This player is a great team motivator and that is what is needed for him out of 2B. And he's not a great hitter but when he hits it he hits it hard.

3B Roger Federer (tennis player)
At 3B the team needs a player who can throw far. He is a veteran on the team but his production has slowed down from his glory days.

SS Christiano Ronaldo (futbol player)
This player is a perfect franchise player for this team. He can kick start any team to victory.

LF Carl Crawford (baseball player)
This player Does not really fit this position but we might as well put him there.

CF Ed Bassmaster (comedian)
This player has a great attitude and can really spark up the team with his attitude

RF Alexander Ovechkin (hockey player)
This guy us a hard hitting right fielder and has the throw of a champion. After last season he Is a prized player and that is why he is on the all star team.

SP Danica Patrick (NASCAR driver)
This girl shows perseverance and that's what this team needs. She has good stamina and has a great curveball

SU Jeff van gundy ( ESPN Anyalist)
This guy just fits the prototype of this position no more said.

CP Snoop Dog (artist)
This guys pitches are so sweet and they always get the win.

Manager: Harry Potter (quidditch)
This guy just gives the team magic. Which i think can give the team a boost to win.

Thats all folks: your 2011 Tennis Baseball All Star Team.


jemstar95 said...

Just a piece of art

istraussman said...

No Jamal Tinsley?

Jordan Kahn said...

As funny as that is you shouldn't be posting stuff like that.

Jake Solomon said...

This article is retarded....dont post these kind of articles again

Anonymous said...

just telling u i was with eric when i posted it so jake dont tell me what to do

Eric Binder said...

no u werent harry. what r u talking about

Anonymous said...

Was I yelling across the stadium because I'm pretty sure u helped me out it's ok if drew doesn't like it

Tyler said...

i don't really know what to say... this doesn't even make sense

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