
What is Going to Happen to the NFL Next Year and WHY?

Will there be a lockout?
Will there be 16 or 18 games?
Anything else?


Eric Binder said...

There will be no NFL next year because they are making no progress and things are just headed in the wrong direction. No one is agreeing to anything and the league year expiration date is coming soon. Sorry to be negative, but this is going nowhere. Honestly, this is depressing.

Anonymous said...

There will not be any lockout, but there will be an 18 game season. I think this will happen for two reasons.
1.) the NFL is the greatest sport in America and there is no way that anything bad will happen to it
2.) if there is an NFL next season then there has to be an 18 game season according to roger goodell and his committee

Unknown said...

I think the 18 games season is hypocritical of the NFL. They talk so mich about player safety and adding two more games isn't helping, it's actually making things worse.

Unknown said...

The NFL might even start late. When the NHL had a lockout, they changes it to a 50 game season because by the time they agreed, it was already through the start of what would be the season.

Eric Binder said...

thats also a possiblily bp96, but i disagree with your dislike of the 18 game season. here are the pros and cons:
con-more likely for players to become injured
anything else?

Eric Binder said...

i think i am missing a lot of things but im just stating the two main ones

Anonymous said...

i agree with your first post bp96 but not your second because the season does not start for a while and they have plenty of time to come to an agreement

Jordan Kahn said...

ebinder22... i agree that the more football the better, but injuries should be a bigger concern to the NFL than more football

Unknown said...

Jordan, the 2011 NFL season begins Friday, if the deal isn't signed by then, they are already late. All the offseason tasks need a certain amount of time to take place. If the deal isn't signed by Thursday at 11:59, chances are it might be a shortened season.

Jordan Kahn said...

I am sure that if the NFL doesn't come to an agreement by next Friday then they will push harder on coming to an agreement as soon as possible.

Eric Binder said...

jordan: dont you think they have been trying their hardest? they have gone over every option, but none seem to be working.

Anonymous said...

No chance too much money at stake

Unknown said...

I agree, but it does not look good right now.

Ryan said...

If players don't want to play more football, then they should retire. suck it up, take your two extra game checks like a man.
as for the lockout, it is imminent.

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